With millions of people the world over entering isolation to fight against the spread of Coronavirus COVID19, the need for positivity is essential.

Coronavirus Covid-19

Feeling overwhelmed? Stay positive and don’t let anxiety get the best of you!

Here are 8 tips to stay positive during the Coronavirus Pandemic:

1⃣ Limit your access to social media and news: choose a single reliable news source and spend the minimum time watching it. Maximum 1 or 2 times per day to keep informed. 

2⃣ Listen to podcasts / read books / do online courses: focus on learning something new and keep growing. It's the best time to grow and do things you love.

3⃣ Meditate: at least 15 min per day. Mindfulness is a very powerful tool to connect with yourself and live in the present moment. Where fear doesnt's exist. It will help you clear your mind.

4⃣ Eat healthy and stay active: there are a lot of online free workouts available at the moment, so no excuses! Also eating healthy is very important to keep your immune system strong and feel good within yourself.

5⃣ Reframe the situation: this is an amazing opportunity to reinvent yourself. Be creative, do whatever you love. Perfect time to jump into the online world! Take advantage of found time, appreciate everything you have, your family, friends.... be grateful for it! 

6⃣Support local business, send gifts in the email to the people you love and practice random acts of kindness. 

7⃣ Take a daily inventory: Close your day, everyday, with 3 positive acknowledgements of something you learned or are grateful for. It will keep your negativity away!

8⃣ Enjoy the small things, and look for all the good things going on, instead of just focusing on the bad.  Appreciate that the planet is breathing, pollution levels have decreased as we are moving about much less, Mother Earth is grateful. 


 Take good care of yourself and your loved ones. Stay safe. Stay healthy. Be patient and kind. There is no better time to strengthen our bonds, to stand together (digitally), to help each other through this storm, and come out the other side stronger. 




March 23, 2020

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