Everything about an Açai Bowl looks healthy:  the nuts, the muesli and the pretty fruit on top all make them very ‘grammable'. They're photogenic, delicious and healthy. Well, at least they seem healthy– but are they as healthy as they seem? 

Are Açai Bowls Healthy | GiveMeCocos


Açai Bowls are a beautiful looking purple puree of blended açai and fruit, topped with luscious looking ingredients including granola, nut butter and more fruit. 

Açai Bowls, with their vibrant colours of mainly very dark purple, and a pleasing aesthetic, made them a food trend that skyrocketed in 2017 and were plastered all over social media (particularly on Instagram). 

The blended mixture of Açai berries and other fruits, plus topped with a variety of nuts, fresh fruit and seeds, make it a delicious and convenient meal - mainly as a fresh and refreshing breakfast to start your day. But are Açai Bowls healthy? Here’s your answer.

First of all, what are Açai berries?

Are Açai Bowls Healthy | GiveMeCocos

Açai berries are a small fruit harvested from Açai palm trees, which are mostly native to northern South America. Açai berries themselves resemble grapes and are actually quite low in sugar, containing close to 0 grams per 100-gram serving.
But where did it actually start?
Açaí na tigela ("açaí in the bowl") is a Brazilian dessert from Pará and the Amazon. The berries are harvested from the treetops by hand in the Amazon rainforest. In the 1970s, it first started to commercially appear in Rio de Janeiro, after multiple martial artists began using it for their training diets.

It wasn’t until the 1990s though that its appeal to the fitness community was grand enough for external management, and therefore first imported to the US in the 2000s.

Did you know? To eat the Açai berries, they first must be soaked in water and then have their pulp removed.


But, Are Açai Bowls healthy? 

Are Açai Bowls Healthy | GiveMeCocos

There’s a lot of good going on in the average Açai Bowl. Frozen fruit, fresh fruit, nut butter, almond milk, nuts, seeds—all are high-nutrient foods. The average Acai Bowl is filled with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein and healthy fats. 

However, many of the ingredients in an Acai Bowl share the same issue—they’re high in sugar. That's why you should really look at Açai Bowls as more of an occasional treat, not something you’d have as a meal.  

Calorie-wise, Açai Bowls can vary greatly, but most are roughly between 500-600 calories, translating to 20-25 percent of your recommended energy intake.

The Acai berry itself has a lot of health benefits, here some of the benefits of Açai berries:

  • High antioxidant level, 10 times more antioxidants than red grapes

  • Anti-inflammatory 

  • Support the immune system

  • Diminished risk of coronary diseases

  • Hypocholesterolemic effect

  • Reduce the risk of diabetes and cancer

  • Anti-aging

  • Healthy fats, fiber, iron and calcium

How to make your Açai Bowls healthy? 

You can use a a plain, unsweetened açai puree, which a single bowl serve contains:

  • Calories: 70

  • Total fat: 5g

  • Sodium: 10mg

  • Carbohydrates: 4g

  • Fiber: 3g

  • Sugars: 0g

  • Protein: 1g

If you use unsweetened Açai pure, you can mix it with Frozen Banana to get the perfect consistency and also it gives it a natural sweet and delicious taste. Here you can find a healthy Açai Bowl recipe 

Are Açai Bowls Healthy | GiveMeCocos

Flash forward to 2021, the Açai Bowl is still a trendy and delicious meal that is loved all over the world. The possibilities are endless with the different recipes to create them. And with people sharing their creations in text, photos and videos on blogs and social media channels all over. 

So, are Açai Bowls as healthy as they seem? We can confidently say YES! Açai Bowls usually have many healthy ingredients, however you should be aware that you can have too much of a good thing! Be conscious of your total sugar intake, and you will be able to treat yourself with an Açai Bowl without the guilt.

The best way to serve and present your Açai bowl creation? In sustainable, handcrafted coconut bowls from GiveMeCocos, of course! Get yours here 

Are Açai Bowls Healthy | GiveMeCocos

May 31, 2021

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